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Human Services Software


Management software for personal services
Software dedicated 100% to personal services and home help

Web software
100% Métier

DUI referencing segur digital health

DUI referenced ANS
Segur du Numérique en Santé

Esppadom certified software

Certified to
ESPPADOM standard

Software interfaced with nOva



Your company is involved in the field of home help services, housekeeping or odd jobs? We have the Personal Services software adapted to each specificity of the sector.

Homecare software SAAD and SSIAD


Simplify the management of your home help services with our online software PROGISAP. Our software allows you to optimize the management of your activities in the context of home care for individuals.

Childcare software


Discover PROGISAP, our childcare management software that meets the specificities and regulations of the profession as well as the requirements of your customers.

Human Services Software

Comfort services

Manage your company's services and develop your household activities in private homes with PROGISAP.

Green Space Maintenance Software


For the management of your do-it-yourself and green space activities, trust PROGISAP.

Discover all the advantages of Progisap

Modules specific to the professions in the personal services sector

Dashboard to manage your business with real time data


CRM - contact management and exchange follow-up - prospecting and customer loyalty


HRIS - human resources management and payroll


Planning of interventions with notifications and anomaly alerts.


Management of claims and third-party payers for billing processing


Intervention tour, calculation of travel time between interventions, planning


estimates, invoices, reminders and payments


nOva update: Progiclean is interfaced with the URSSAF application


Benchmark and quality control


PROGISAP, a complete management software solution

Progisap allows you to easily manage all your business processes.
Activity and profitability management: dashboard


Whether it is for housekeeping services at home, maintenance of green spaces or personal assistance at home, our software will optimise the management of your activity.

  • Your management of price and service requests,
  • Your proposals and pre-configured service offers in connection with the APA and Tiers Payant,
  • Planning of interventions in private homes
  • Automated management of care, GIR, and the specificities of each beneficiary,
  • Automatic generation of tax returns, NOVA statistics,
  • The exchange of dematerialised data with partners in complete security.
Human resources management (personnel management): contract, amendment, leave and absences


In addition to personal services, PROGISAP simplifies the management of your staff.

  • Application management,

  • Automatic generation of employment contracts and amendments,

  • Management of absences, replacements, expense reports,

  • Follow-up of clocking in and out, working hours, leave requests,

  • Automatic generation of payrolls at the end of the month,

  • Automatic management of travel times and inter-shift times.

CRM: customer relations, prospecting and marketing


Manage each request for service and each service in the home for your customers.

  • An online interface for each client: planning, invoicing and pricescertificates, additional requestsand advice,
  • A history of all exchanges with customers,
  • An automated satisfaction survey,
  • Real-time consultation of schedules by your beneficiaries, their families and by your workers through external portals,
  • Alerting in case of anomalies.
preparation, calculation and editing of payrolls


Management of a compliant payroll via our partner Silae since 2011 (more than 3M bulletins per month),

  • Quick and easy to use onlineWith a minimum of payroll knowledge,
  • Automatic update of all conventional legal developments,
  • Transmission of variable pay elements between Progiclean and Silae,
  • Dematerialisation of your payslips,
  • Tailored support from experienced payroll specialists.
Progisap, management software for personal services and home care

start my digital transformation with Progisap

The software dedicated to personal services companies

Progisap, complete and full web software for human services

Our mobile applications

In order to meet the mobility requirements of personal services companies, PROGISAP software is integrated into an ecosystem of digital applications.

Mobisap, mobile application for remote management MOBISAP

The innovative remote management application for managing your workers

Qualimobi, quality control on a tablet Qualimobi

The mobile quality control application for your area managers

PROGISAP in figures

Progisap: 1,200 customers equipped

+ MORE THAN 1,200

Progisap : more than 5000 users






  • Alliance Vie : Home help
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  • loading="lazy"
  • Home comfort : Home help
  • loading="lazy"
  • loading="lazy"
  • loading="lazy"
  • loading="lazy"
  • loading="lazy"
  • loading="lazy"
  • DOM Vita, home services
  • ADMR - home help and personal services
  • loading="lazy"
  • Lattitude Services : Human services


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      PROGISAP x Yousign : La signature électronique pour booster l’efficacité des entreprises de services à la personne

      Simplification, sécurisation et conformité : Tels sont les maîtres mots de la collaboration entre PROGISAP, logiciel métier pour les entreprises de services à la personne, et Yousign, leader français de la signature électronique. Ce partenariat innovant apporte une solution concrète aux problématiques rencontrées par les entreprises de services à la personne. Découvrez dans cet article […]

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    • Business Intelligence : Un atout majeur pour les entreprises de services

      Business Intelligence : Un atout majeur pour les entreprises de services

      La donnée devient la clé du succès, les entreprises de services à la personne se doivent d’adopter des outils performants pour exploiter leur richesse informationnelle. La Business Intelligence (BI) s’impose comme un allié précieux pour ces sociétés, leur permettant d’optimiser leurs processus, d’améliorer la prise de décision et de booster leur performance globale. La Business […]

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    • Sur quels indicateurs repose le calcul de la rentabilité dans les entreprises de service ?

      Sur quels indicateurs repose le calcul de la rentabilité dans les entreprises de service ?

      Le calcul de la rentabilité est un exercice important pour toutes les entreprises, et les entreprises de service ne font pas exception. En effet, il permet de mesurer la capacité de l’entreprise à générer des profits et de pérenniser son activité. Cependant, le calcul de la rentabilité des entreprises de services à la personne peut […]

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    • Améliorer la rentabilité des entreprises de services : Quels indicateurs clés et solutions ?

      Améliorer la rentabilité des entreprises de services : Quels indicateurs clés et solutions ?

      Les entreprises de services à la personne font face à de nombreux défis pour maintenir et améliorer leur rentabilité. La satisfaction client, l’efficacité opérationnelle et la maîtrise des coûts sont des enjeux majeurs pour garantir leur succès. Mais comment améliorer la rentabilité des entreprises de services à la personne ? Quels sont les indicateurs clés, […]

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    • La paie, combien de temps y consacrez-vous par mois ?

      La paie, combien de temps y consacrez-vous par mois ?

      La gestion de la paie est une tâche chronophage pour les entreprises de services à la personne, quelle que soit leur taille. En moyenne, les entreprises consacrent entre 2 et 5 jours par mois à cette tâche, selon une étude réalisée par l’AFG (L’Association Française de la Gestion financière). Ce temps précieux pourrait être consacré […]

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    • Pointage : d’une obligation légale à un outil de performance partagée

      Pointage : d’une obligation légale à un outil de performance partagée

      Le pointage des heures de travail est souvent perçu comme une simple contrainte administrative. Mais saviez-vous qu’il peut aussi être un outil précieux pour améliorer la performance et la collaboration entre les salariés et l’entreprise ? Le pointage : une obligation légale aux multiples facettes Les obligations légales Le Code du travail impose aux employeurs […]

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    • L’intégrations des nouveaux clients/utilisateurs : un contrat de performance

      L’intégrations des nouveaux clients/utilisateurs : un contrat de performance

      L’intégration efficace des nouveaux clients/utilisateurs est bien plus qu’une simple formalité. C’est une étape importante qui peut déterminer la réussite à long terme des entreprises, surtout dans un secteur aussi varié et spécifique que celui du service à la personne. PROGISAP, logiciel ERP dédié à ce secteur, comprend parfaitement cet enjeu. L’intégration ou l’onboarding des […]

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    • Les femmes dans la Tech et le numérique : c’est plus que possible !

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    • Customer service: its role, how it works, its benefits

      Customer service: its role, how it works, its benefits

      Customer service is an important department for any company aspiring to growth and sustainability. It's all about building lasting, trusting relationships with customers. It's the key to building loyalty, improving brand image and boosting sales. In fact, it [...]

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    • SAAD and SSIAD: two complementary services to help elderly people stay at home

      SAAD and SSIAD: two complementary services to help elderly people stay at home

      The SAAD and the SSIAD are two medical-social services that help elderly people who are losing their independence. Their common goal is to enable them to remain at home for as long as possible. The SAAD (Service d'Aide et d'Accompagnement à Domicile) offers services to help with daily living. These include cleaning, grooming, [...]

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    • Press review - March

      Press review - March

      Introducing the SENEF and Progisap Press Review. This monthly press review is a digest of all the latest news from the personal services sector. Here is the March issue. Fédésap Frank NATAF, President of Fédésap, comments on the urgent need for home help for disabled people [...]

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    • How to attract candidates in the personal services sector?

      How to attract candidates in the personal services sector?

      The job market is under pressure, and human services companies are struggling to recruit the talent they need. Faced with this shortage of candidates, it has become crucial to stand out from the crowd and offer an optimal candidate experience to attract and retain the best profiles. In this article we [...]

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    • Press review - January/February

      Press review - January/February

      Introducing the SENEF and Progisap Press Review. This monthly press review is a digest of all the latest news from the personal services sector. Fédésap survey: Who are the real entrepreneurs in the homecare sector? Fédésap has carried out a survey of home services managers to gain a better understanding of the [...]

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    • Environmental sustainability in human services companies

      Environmental sustainability in human services companies

      In this article, find out more about the transformative role of CSR in this specific sector, examining how Progisap integrates environmental sustainability into human services businesses. Human interaction and individual well-being are of the utmost importance. The human services sector plays an essential role. Whether by offering [...]

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    • Why ticket management is essential for tracking customer requests

      Why ticket management is essential for tracking customer requests

      Customer satisfaction is at the heart of every successful business. In a world where customer expectations are constantly evolving, it is essential to implement effective solutions to meet their needs. Ticket management is essential for keeping track of customer requests. Why ticket management is essential to [...]

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    • SSIAD management module

      SSIAD management module

      With the boom in personal services and the growing importance of quality homecare, SENEF is extending its Progisap ecosystem with innovative functionalities specially designed for SSIAD (Services de Soins Infirmiers À Domicile). We present the SSIAD management module. New functionality: optimized management for SSIAD and ESA Our [...]

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    • Integration of the proxy module in Progisap

      Integration of the proxy module in Progisap

      The "mandataire" mode is a form of organization in the personal services sector, where the company acts as an intermediary between the customer (the principal) and the homecare worker (the employee). We have now integrated the "mandataire" module into Progisap. In this context, the customer remains the legal employer of the homecare worker. He assumes the legal responsibilities and [...]

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    • The advantages of SAAS

      The advantages of SAAS

      The benefits of SAAS for human services companies In today's digital age, human services companies are continually looking for ways to optimize their organization to ensure sustainable growth. The Software as a Service (SAAS) model is emerging as an essential response to these growing demands. Indeed, [...]

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    • How to prepare for a software change

      How to prepare for a software change

      In the dynamic landscape of human services companies, process optimization is crucial to staying competitive. This is prompting many organizations to consider changing their software. This transition, while full of opportunities, is not without its challenges. We explain how to make the change to your software a success. What are the [...]

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    • DOM' Vita testimonial

      DOM' Vita testimonial

      Interview with Antoine Bailly and Goeffrey Lovato (Progisap expert). Introduce yourself: name, position and mission, and present your company: business, number of employees, year of creation, location... I'd like to introduce myself, I'm Antoine Bailly, I'm the manager of Dom Vita. We work with 200 beneficiaries in the Le [...] area.

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    • Testimonial Ceka Services

      Testimonial Ceka Services

      Interview with KAREN Piaget and MITIA David. Introduce yourself: name, position and mission, and present your company: business, number of employees, year of creation, location... Karen Piaget, Managing Partner. Mitia David, Business Development Manager at Ceka Services KP: Founded in 2003, Ceka Service's missions include housework, cleaning and [...].

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    • How a business ERP can help you strengthen your customer relationships

      How a business ERP can help you strengthen your customer relationships

      Personal services account for a total of 845 million hours. It can be broken down into three main categories: services for dependent persons, daily living services, and childcare. In the personal services sector, transparent and effective communication is essential to establish a trusting customer relationship with [...].

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    • Autonomie Services reform: a new lease of life for homecare in France

      Autonomie Services reform: a new lease of life for homecare in France

      France is embarking on an ambitious reform to improve the efficiency and clarity of homecare services. With over 10,000 structures involved in these fields, the aim is to enable citizens to live at home for as long as possible. However, the fragmentation of services, the complexity of [...]

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    • Segur Digital Health Cluster Census

      Segur Digital Health Cluster Census

      As part of the progress of the Ségur du Numérique en Santé, we present our information portal. We are launching a call for expressions of interest to join a cluster. The form can be found at the bottom of the page just after the article. 1. Ségur du Numérique en Santé advances 2. Support for [...]

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    • The PROGISAP team, member of a Segur Digital Task Force

      The PROGISAP team, member of a Segur Digital Task Force

      The digital component of the Ségur de la santé is made up of six corridors divided into "Task Forces" bringing together healthcare professionals, experts, information systems directors, institutional representatives, federations (public hospitals, private hospitals, manufacturers, etc.) and software publishers. The role of Task Forces Task Forces [...]

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    • D-2 to the final submission of our application for registration by the ANS (Agence du Numérique en Santé).

      D-2 to the final submission of our application for registration by the ANS (Agence du Numérique en Santé).

      PROGISAP , the SENEF solution dedicated to the Personal Services and Senior Services Residences sector, is on its way to becoming Ségur du Numérique en Santé certified. The Segur du Numérique en Santé has been designed to facilitate and secure the exchange of medical data between healthcare professionals and users, [...].

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    • Fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory and the data collected by Senef in order to respond to the data subject's request are processed in accordance with the customer and prospective customer personal data protection policy available here.