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Testimonial Ceka Services

Interview with KAREN Piaget and MITIA David.

Introduce yourself: name, position and mission, and present your company: business, number of employees, year founded, location...

Karen Piaget, Managing Partner.

Mitia David, Ceka Development Manager Services

KP: Created in 2003, Ceka Service's missions include household chores, services for the elderly and disabled, and shared housing. 

We are located in the south of the Seine et Marne and employ 73 people for 432 customers. We have been working with Progisap since 2015.

What's special about your business?

MD: All our staff are trained in the Montessori approach to provide personalized, humanistic support. 

We are pioneers in the field of "shared housing" and in training teams in this specificity. 

We make sure that our employees are pampered:  

- with free birthday days, 

- electric vehicles, 

- and schedules to suit their lifestyles.

What are your company's issues and challenges?

KP: We're constantly on the lookout for new employees to develop our business. This shift is crucial if we are to evolve towards an autonomous service.

In your opinion, what are the issues facing a personal services company in general?

KP: For everyone, it's recruitment and financial stability.

What actions do you take on a daily basis to plan your business?

MD: On a day-to-day basis, we recruit and train new staff to give us greater flexibility in scheduling. 

We also attach great importance to customer follow-up, making visits and establishing individual links to better meet their needs. In addition, we monitor badges, hospital discharges and expiring charges.

How were you organized before using Progisap, and what tools did you use?   

KP: We were using old software that no longer met our expectations, especially when it came to invoicing. Progisap gave our business a real boost. We've saved time. We can go from planning to invoicing to the customer file in a single click. Managing recurring tasks has also become much more efficient.

How has this solution improved your productivity and task management efficiency?

MD: Thanks to Progisap, it's easier to replace a particular person. We can move from one branch to another in the same space. The big revolution with EDM is that all our documents are stored on the software. Everyone can consult the documents they need for information or work, whether you're an employee or an administrator.

Which of the solution's features do you find most useful and practical?

MD: On a day-to-day basis, the home page contains all the information you need. The display of multi-employee schedules gives an overall view, and the editions facilitate company management.

What are the main advantages/benefits of working with Progisap/SENEF?

KP: The relationship with the teams and the company's values.

If you're looking for a human and dynamic company where you're not just a number, then don't hesitate to join Progisap.

Can you give me 3 words that define Progisap?

MD: Human values, team enthusiasm, ambition to do better and better.